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D.C.'s Political Report

Open White House Race
1 Democrats
  • William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (D) Barred from 3rd term

  • Open Governors Races in 1999 & 2000
    3 Democrats - 3 Republicans
    1 other (New Progressive)
  • Tom Carper (D-DE) Barred from 3rd term
  • Mel Carnahan (D-MO) Barred from 3rd term, died in plane crash on 10/16/00
  • James "Jim" Hunt (D-NC) Barred from 3rd term
  • Pedro J. Rosselló (NP-PR) Retiring
  • Kirk Fordice (R-MS) Barred from 3rd term,
    replaced by Ronnie Musgrove (D-MS).
  • Marc Racicot (R-MT) Barred from 3rd term
  • Ed Schafer (R-ND) Retiring after 2nd term

  • Open Senate Races in 2000
    4 Democrats - 1 Republicans
    2 Appointments
  • Daniel Patrick Moyniham (D-NY), Retiring
  • Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Retiring
  • Richard Bryan (D-NV), Retiring
  • Bob Kerrey (D-NE), Retiring
  • Connie Mack (R-FL), Retiring
  • Paul Coverdell (R-GA), Died 7/18/00 and was replaced by Zell Miller (D-GA)
  • John Chafee (R-RI), Died 10/24/99 and was replaced by Linc Chafee (R-RI)

  • Open House Races in 2000
    9 Democrats - 26 Republicans
  • Debbie Stabenow (D-MI-8) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Bruce F. Vento (D-MN-4) was Retiring, but died 10/10/00
  • William L. Clay, Sr. (D-MO-1) Retiring
  • Patricia "Patsy" Danner (D-MO-6) Retiring
  • Michael P. Forbes (D-NY-1) Defeated in Primary
  • Ron Klink (D-PA-4) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Robert A. Weygand (D-RI-2) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Owen B. Pickett (D-VA-2) Retiring
  • Bob Wise (D-WV-2) Running for Governor
  • Matt Salmon (R-AZ-1) Retiring
  • Tom Campbell (R-CA-15) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Matthew G. "Marty" Martinez (R-CA-31) Defeated in Democratic Primary
  • Ron Packard (R-CA-48) Retiring
  • Tillie K. Fowler (R-FL-4) Retiring
  • Bill McCollum (R-FL-8) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Charles T. Canady (R-FL-12) Retiring
  • Helen Chenoweth (R-ID-1) Retiring
  • John Edward Porter (R-IL-10) Retiring
  • Thomas W. Ewing (R-IL-15) Retiring
  • David M. McIntosh (R-IN-2) Running for Governor
  • Edward A. Pease (R-IN-7) Retiring
  • James M. Talent (R-MO-2) Running for Governor
  • Rick Hill (R-MT-AL) Retiring
  • Bill Barrett (R-NE-3) Retiring
  • Robert D. "Bob" Franks (R-NJ-7) Running for U.S. Senate
  • Rick A. Lazio (R-NY-2) Running for U.S. Senate
  • John Kasich (R-OH-12) Retiring
  • Tom A. Coburn (R-OK-2) Retiring
  • William Goodling (R-Pa-19) Retiring
  • Marshall Sanford, Jr. (R-SC-1) Retiring
  • Bill Archer (R-TX-7) Retiring
  • Merrill Cook (R-UT-2) Defeated in Primary
  • Herbert H. Bateman (R-VA-1) was Retiring, but died 9/11/00
  • Thomas Jerome Bliley, Jr. (R-VA-7) Retiring
  • Jack Metcalf (R-WA-2) Retiring

  • Possible Additional Open Seats in 2000
    1 Democrat - 1 Republican
  • Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) running for Vice President
  • Gov. George W. Bush (R-TX) running for President

  • Special Elections Results in 1999 & 2000
    2 Democrats - 3 Republicans
  • Joe Baca replaced George Brown (D-CA-42)
  • Betty McCollum replaced Bruce Vento (D-MN-4)
  • Johnny Isakson replaced Newt Gingrich (R-GA-6)
  • David Vitter replaced Bob Livingston (R-LA-1)
  • Jo Ann Davis replaced Herb Bateman (R-VA-1)

  • Copyright ª 1998-2005 D.C. Finegold-Sachs.