
West Virginia Secretary of State
2006 West Virginia Congressional and Statewide Primary Results
Filing Deadline: 1/28/06, Primary: 5/9/06, Independent Filing Deadline: 4/9/06, General Election 11/7/06,
Last Updated: May 15, 2006 |
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties, |
Senator, 77.6% in '00, 8th term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Campaign & Elections' Odds: 2:1 Democrat, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Likely Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Likely Democratic, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Likely Democratic, Chuck Todd: 15th most vulnerable Senator, Tim Saler: Strong Democratic Advantage, |
Robert C. Byrd (D) 85.6%, DMV employee Billy Hendricks, Jr. (D) 14.4%, |
1984 nominee / businessman John R. Raese (R) 58.3%, attorney / ex-ranger / '02 Senate candidate / '04 Att. Gen. nominee Hiram C. "Bucky" Lewis, IV (R) 22.7%, '04 Congressional nominee businessman / minister Rick Snuffer (R) 6.0%, Charles G. "Bud" Railey (R) 5.4%, Paul J. Brown (R) 4.3%, optometrist Zane Lawhorn (R) 3.3%, |
actor / '04 Gov. nominee Jesse Johnson (Mt) |
1st Congressional District, 67.8% in '02, 12th term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:    Democratic, Chris Cillizza: 19th Most Likely Seat to Switch Party, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Democrat Favored, Cook Political Report: Lean Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Likely Democratic, |
Alan B. Mollohan (D), |
St. Del. Christopher Wakim (R), |
2nd Congressional District, 57.4% in '02, 3rd term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Republican Favored, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican, |
ex-state party chair Michael "Mike" Callaghan (D) 37.1%, St. Rep. Mark Hunt (D) 32.8%, ex-South Charleston Mayor / '04 GOP Governor candidate Richie Robb (D) 30.1%, |
Shelley Moore Capito (R), |
ex-South Charleston Mayor / '04 GOP Governor candidate Richie Robb (Mt)?, |
3rd Congressional District, 65.2% in '02, 15th term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic, |
Nick Joe Rahall II (D), |
sheriff Kim Wolfe (R) 57.9%, Marty Gearheart (R) 42.1%, |
Duane Borchers, Sr. (I), |
1. Link to Predictions:
D.C.'s Political Report,
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza,
Campaign & Elections: Political Oddsmaker,
Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard,
Cook Political Report,
Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball,
Roll Call Analysis,
National Journal's Chuck Todd,
Rothenberg Political Report,
Tim Saler,
2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, |
= Democrats take over control, |
= Republican retain control, |
= Republicans take over control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party take over control |
Bold indicates incumbent. |
Yellow district indicates open races. |
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. |
Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control. |
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. |
Red boxes indicates Republicans took control. |
3. Key to West Virginia Political Parties: