
Nevada Secretary of State - Elections Division
2010 Nevada Congressional and Statewide Primary Results
Independent American Party Convention: 2/27-28/10, Primary Filing Deadline: 3/12/10, Independent & Minor Party Filing Deadline: 3/12/10, Primary: 6/8/10, New Party Filing Deadlilne: 6/11/10, Deadline to fill Vacancy: 6/15/10, General Election: 11/2/10,
Last Updated: June 9, 2010 |
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties, |
Governor, 47.9% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Tossup, Chris Cillizza: One of the Most Likely Governor to Switch Party, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Rothenberg Political Report: Narrow Advatnage Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Democratic, |
Co. Comm'r. Rory Reid (D) 70.1%, Frederick L. Conquest (D) 14.7%, None of These 15.3%, |
ex-St. Att. Gen. / U.S. District Judge Brian E. Sandoval (R) 55.5%, James Arthur "Jim" Gibbons (R) 27.2%, ex-Mayor Michael L. Montandon (R) 12.6%, Tony Atwood (R) 1.4%, '98 Lt. Gov. candidate / '02 & '06 candidate / postal worker Stanleigh H. "Stan" Lusak (R) 0.8%, None of These 2.5%, |
architect David Scott Curtis (G), |
'06 Controller nominee / ins. co. owner Floyd Fitzgibbons (AI), |
consultant Arthur Forest Lampitt Jr. (L), |
ex-corp. exec. / electrical engineer Eugene "Gino" DiSimone (I), teacher Aaron Y. Honig (I), |
Lt. Governor, 52.2% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Republican, |
Reno City Council member Jessica Sferrazza (D) 43.1%, ex-econ. dev. dir. Robert E. "Bob" Goodman (D) 18.3%, real estate developer Paul Murad (D) 15.5%, management consultant Robert S. Randazzo (D) 10.6%, None of These 12.5%, |
Brian K. Krolicki (R) 72.0%, '06 candidate Barbara Lee Woollen (R) 21.5%, None of These 6.5%, |
Ryan Fitzgibbons (AI), |
Attorney General, 59.0% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Democratic, |
Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), |
Travis Barrick (R) 44.4%, attorney Jacob Hafter (R) 34.2%, None of These 21.4%, |
'98 nominee Joel F. Hansen (IA), |
Secretary of State, 48.7% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Democratic, |
Ross Miller (D), |
Real estate investor Rob Lauer (R), |
John Wagner (IA), |
Controller, 45.2% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010 D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Democratic, |
Kim R. Wallin (D), |
Barry Herr (R) 49.8%, Gregory Nance Dagani (R) 25.1%, None of These 25.1%, |
Warren Markowitz (IA), |
Treasurer, 47.3% in '06, 1st term, next election in 2010 D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Democratic, |
Kate Marshall (D), |
ex-St. Controller Steven E. Martin (R), |
Mike Hawkins (IA), |
Senator, 61.0% in '04, 4th term, next election in 2010, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Leans Democratic, Chris Cillizza: One of the Most Likely Seats to Switch Party, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Rothenberg Political Report: Lean Republican, Ken Rubin: Democrat Favored, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican, |
Harry M. Reid (D) 75.3%, Alex Miller (D) 8.4%, Eduardo "Mr. Clean" Hamilton (D) 4.0%, '98 congressional candidate / '02 Gov. candidate / '04 Senate candidate / '08 congressional candidate / trash collector Carlo "Tex" Poliak (D) 1.7%, None of these 10.6%, |
'06 congressional candidate / ex-St. AM Sharron E. Angle (R) 40.1%, state party chair Sue Lowden (R) 26.1%, '06 Secretary of State nominee Danny Tarkanian (R) 23.3%, international banker John Chachas (R) 3.9%, St. AM Chad Christensen (R) 2.7%,
project mgr. Bill Parson (R) 0.8%,
guaranteed financial services pres. Gary Bernstein (R) withdrew but still received 0.4%,
St. AM R. Garn Mabey, Jr. (R) 0.3%,
Cecilia Stern (R) 0.2%,
professional poker player Brian Nadell (R) withdrew but still received 0.1%,
Terry Suominen (R) 0.1%,
Natural Law Party candidate Gary Marinch (R) 0.1%,
None of These 1.8%,
businessman Jon Scott Ashjian (Tea), |
businessman Tim Fasano (IA), |
Michael L. Haines (I), Jesse Holland (I), '08 congressional candidate Jeffrey C. Reeves (I), Will Stand (I), |
1st Congressional District, 67.7% in '08, 6th term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, |
Shelley Berkley (D), |
'04 Senate candidate / '06 nominee Gulf War vet Kenneth A. Wegner (R) 26.8%, activist Michele Fiore (R) 22.0%, businessman Craig Lake (R) 19.6%, dentist Chuck Flume (R) 16.0%, businessman David Cunningham (R) 7.6%, computer contractor Joseph "Joe" Tatner (R) 4.8%, Mike A. Monroe (R) 1.7%, Scott Neistadt (R) 1.6%, |
'02 Att. Gen. nominee Jonathan J. Hansen (IA), |
Ed Klapproth (L), |
2nd Congressional District, 51.8% in '08, 2nd term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Safe Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Safe Republican, |
Nancy Price (D) 45.4%, attorney / St. Board of Education member Ken McKenna (D) 44.5%, pilot Denis "Sam" Dehne (D) 10.1%, |
Dean Heller (R) 83.7%, physician Patrick J. Colletti (R) 16.3%, |
Russell Best (IA), |
3rd Congressional District, 47.4% in '08, 1st term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Tossup, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, DCCC Frontline member, Rothenberg Political Report: Pure Toss-Up, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Toss-Up, DCCC Target, |
Alice Costandina "Dina" Titus (D) 80.4%, businessman John M. Beard (D) 19.6%, |
ex-St. Rep. Joe Heck (R) 68.8%, Stephen P. Nohrden (R) 16.5%, insurance agent Ed Bridges (R) 11.3%, prof. Brad Lord-Leutwyler (R) 3.4%, |
Scott David Narter (IA), |
Joseph P. Silvestri (L), |
Barry Michaels (I), |
1. Link to Predictions:
2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, |
= Democrats take over control, |
= Republican retain control, |
= Republicans take over control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party take over control |
Bold indicates incumbent. |
Yellow district indicates open races. |
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. |
Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control. |
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. |
Red boxes indicates Republicans took control. |
3. Key to Nevada Political Parties: