2001 Elections

Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth - Elections Division
2001 Massachusetts Special Congressional Election
Filing Deadline: 7/31/01, Independent Filing Deadline: 8/26/01, Primary: 9/11/01, Special Election: 10/16/01 |
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties, |
9th Congressional District, 77.4% in '00, 15th term, John Joseph P. Moakley (D) died 5/28/01 D.C.'s Political Report's Prediction: 77% Democratic, Campaign & Election's Odds: 3:1 Democrat, |
St. Sen. Stephen F. Lynch (D) 65.2% |
St. Sen. Jo Ann Sprague (R) 32.9% |
1996 Senate nominee Susan C. Gallagher-Long (Cns) 1.2%, frequent candidate Brock Satter (SW) 0.7%, Jim Fredrickson (L/WI), |
1. Link to Predictions:
Campaign & Election Magazine,
The Cook Political Report,
D.C.'s Political Report,
2. Bold indicates incumbent. Yellow district indicates
open races. Blue boxes indicates winner. Red boxes indicates change in party control.
3. Key to Massachusetts Political Parties
(Cns) = Conservative Party
(D) = Democratic Party
(I) = independent candidates
(L) = Libertarian Party
(R) = Republican Party
(SW) = Socialist Workers Party