
Minnesota Secretary of State - Elections
2006 Minnesota Congressional and Statewide Races
Primary Filing Deadline: 7/18/06, Primary: 9/12/06, Independent Filing Deadline: 7/18/06, General Election 11/7/06,
Last Updated: December 2, 2006 |
Predictions, Notes, List of State Parties, |
Governor, 44.4% in '02, 1st term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democrat, Chris Cillizza: 8th Most Likely Governorship to Switch Party, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: No Clear Favorite, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, New York Times Ratings: Toss Up, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Toss-Up, Chuck Todd: 8th Most Vulnerable Governor, |
Att. Gen. Mike Hatch (DFL) 45.7%, |
Tim Pawlenty (R) 46.7%, |
ex-St. Fin. Comm'r. Peter Hutchinson (Ind) 6.4%, |
Ken Pentel (G) 0.5%, |
Quit Raising Taxes Party Walt E. Brown (I) 0.4%, |
'00 Senate Candidate / '02 Gov. candidate / environmental activist Leslie Davis (I) 0.2%, |
write in votes 0.0%, David Hoch (Resource Party), New Generation Party candidate Phillip C. Parrish (I), Bar Owner Sue Jeffers (L/WI) 0%, Murphy Wentworth (WI), David W. Hinkley (WI), Nelson F. Gonzalez (SW/WI) 0.0%, |
Lt. Governor - Tied with Gov., 44.4% in '02, 1st term, next election in 2006 D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democrat, |
ex-St. Auditor Judi Dutcher (DFL) 45.7%, |
Carol Molnau (R) 46.7%, |
ex-Univ. of MN Board of Regent chair / Dr. Maureen Reed (Ind) 6.4%, |
environmental activist Danene Provencher (G) 0.5%, |
Quit Raising Taxes Party Wesley C. Nelson (I) 0.4%, |
Gregory Soderberg (I) 0.2%, |
immigration reform advocate Ruthie Hendrycks (L/WI), New Generation Party candidate Kirk Kuchera (WI), Lucy Amell (WI), Patricia Olson (WI), Tom Baumann (SW/WI), |
Attorney General, 54.6% in '02, 2nd term, next election in 2006, Mike Hatch (DFL) running for Governor D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, |
Sol. Gen. Lori Swanson (DFL) 53.2%, |
St. Rep. Jeff Johnson (R) 40.7%, |
ex-st. revenue comm'r. John James (Ind) 4.1%, |
community activist John "Papa" Kolstad (G) 1.9%, |
write in 0.1%, |
Secretary of State, 47.6% in '02, 2nd term, barred from 3rd term, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, |
non-profit director Mark Ritchie (DFL) 49.1%, |
Mary Kiffmeyer (R) 44.2%, |
attorney Bruce Kennedy (I) 3.7%, |
econ. dev. dir. Joel Spoonheim (Ind) 3.0%, |
write in votes 0.1%, |
Auditor, 44.6% in '02, 1st term, next election in 2006 D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:    Republican, |
ex-St. Rep. Rebecca Otto (DFL) 51.9%, |
Patricia Anderson Awada (R) 41.1%, |
deputy police chief Lucy Gerold (Ind) 4.6%, |
sociology instructor / '02 nominee Dave Berger (G) 2.3%, |
write-in votes 0.1%, |
Senator 48.8% in '00, Mark Dayton (DFL) retiring after 1st term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Democrat Favored, Cook Political Report: Lean Democrat, Evans & Novack's Outlook: Likely Democratic, New York Times Ratings: Leaning Democratic, Roll Call Analysis: Leans Democratic, Rothenberg Political Report: Safe Democrat, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Lean Democrat, Chuck Todd: 12th most vulnerable Senator, Scott Rasmussen's Balance of Power: Democrat, |
Co. Att. Amy Klobuchar (DFL) 58.1%, |
U.S. Rep. Mark R. Kennedy (R) 37.9%, |
Public Access TV Show dir. Robert Fitzgerald (Ind) 3.2%, |
nurse Michael Calvan (G) 0.5%, |
Ben Powers (C) 0.3%, |
write in votes 0.0%, engineer Charles Aldrich (L/WI), '04 congressional candidate consultant Peter Idusogie (WI) 0.0%, Rebecca Williamson (SW/WI) 0.0%, Jeff Miller (NU/WI) 0.0%, |
1st Congressional District, 59.6% in '04, 6th term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:    Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Leans Republican, Cook Political Report: Toss up, New York Times Ratings: Leaning Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Leans Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Leans Republican, Rothenberg Political Report: Toss-Up, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Likely Republican, Chuck Todd: 34th Most Vulnerable House Seat, Washington Post's Countdown: Tossup, |
teacher / Iraqi veteran Tim Walz (DFL) 52.7%, |
Gil Gutknecht Jr. (R) 47.1%, |
write in votes 0.1%, Stephen Williams (WI) 0.0%, |
2nd Congressional District, 56.4% in '04, 2nd term, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:    Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Republican Favored, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Likely Republican, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Likely Republican, |
ex-FBI agent Coleen Rowley (DFL) 40.0%, |
John Kline (R) 56.2%, |
Doug Williams (Ind) 3.7%, |
write in votes 0.0%, |
3rd Congressional District, 64.6% in '04, 8th term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Republican, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Republican, Cook Political Report: Solid Republican, New York Times Ratings: Safe Republican, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Republican, |
radio host Wendy Pareene Wilde (DFL) 35.0%, |
Jim Ramstad (R) 64.9%, |
write in votes 0.1%, |
4th Congressional District, 57.5% in '04, 3rd term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, New York Times Ratings: Safe Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic, |
Betty McCollum (DFL) 69.5%, |
hydrologist / civil engineer Ogbazghi "Obi" Sium (R) 30.2%, |
write in votes 0.2%, Tom Fiske (SW/WI) 0.0%, |
5th Congressional District, 69.7% in '04, Martin Olav Sabo (DFL) retiring after 14th term, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:    Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, New York Times Ratings: Safe Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic, |
St. Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL) 55.6%, |
college lecturer / consultant Alan Fine (R) 21.3%, |
ex-Democratic congressional aide / travel industry executive Tammy Lee (Ind) 21.0%, |
'02 California Congressional candidate / '04 nominee / artist Jay Pond (G) 1.9%, |
write in votes 0.1%, Julian Santana (SW/WI) 0.0%, Larry Leininger (WI) 0.0%, |
6th Congressional District, 54.0% in '04, 3rd term, Mark R. Kennedy (R) running for Senate, Polls D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:     Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: No Clear Favorite, Cook Political Report: Toss Up, Evans & Novack's Outlook: Leans Republican, New York Times Ratings: Toss Up, Roll Call Analysis: Tossup, Rothenberg Political Report: Toss-Up, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: Toss-Up, Chuck Todd: 40th Most Vulnerable House Seat, Washington Post's Countdown: Leans Republican, |
'04 nominee missing children advocate Patty Wetterling (DFL) 42.1%, |
St. Sen. Michele M. Bachmann (R) 50.1%, |
construction project manager John Binkowski (Ind) 7.8%, |
write in votes 0.1%, |
7th Congressional District, 66.1% in '04, 8th term D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:  Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, New York Times Ratings: Safe Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic, |
Collin C. Peterson (DFL) 69.7%, |
pharmacist Mike Barrett (R) 29.0%, |
retired postal carrier Ken Lucier (C) 1.3%, |
write in votes 0.1%, |
8th Congressional District, 65.2% in '04, 16th term, D.C.'s Political Report's Rating:   Democratic, Congressional Quarterly's Scorecard: Safe Democratic, Cook Political Report: Solid Democrat, New York Times Ratings: Safe Democrat, Roll Call Analysis: Safe Democratic, |
James L. "Jim" Oberstar (DFL) 63.6%, |
ex-U.S. Sen. Rod Grams (R) 34.4%, |
'92 candidate / ex-school board member Harry Robb Welty (Unity) 1.9%, |
write in votes 0.1%, |
1. Link to Predictions:
2. D.C.'s Political Report's stars indicate the rating of the race from 1 star to 5 stars depending on its entertainment value.
The color indicates D.C.'s Political Report's prediction of the winning party.
= Democrat retain control, |
= Democrats take over control, |
= Republican retain control, |
= Republicans take over control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party retains control, |
= Independent / 3rd Party take over control |
Bold indicates incumbent. |
Yellow district indicates open races. |
Light Blue boxes indicates Democrats maintained control. |
Light Red boxes indicates Republicans maintained control. |
Blue boxes indicates Democrats took control. |
Red boxes indicates Republicans took control. |
3. Key to Minnesota Political Parties: